If you want a comfortable and fast ride around the city, you may choose this one. Taxi can be easily found around the city: from the airport, train station, bus station to the center of the city. Be sure the taxi is metered. If you find a driver that is trustworthy and that you feel comfortable with, you can ask his number and call him next time you want to travel. You can also contact the number written on the rear window of the taxi. They usually use memorable numbers such as 373737 (Jas Taxi) or 545-545 (ASA Taxi).
Photo: http://archive.kaskus.us/thread/2814337/0/breaking-news-ford-focus-18-sedan-as-taxicab-in-jogja
Monday, April 18, 2011
Around Jogja by Taxi
Andong: Jogja Horse Cart
This traditional means of transportation is pulled by horse. It carries the passenger on the seat behind and beside the driver. It can accommodate up to five passengers. It is easy to find around Malioboro area. The driver usually offers the passengers short journey to Dagadu T-shirt center, bakpia stores, Keraton or Ngasem. Don't forget to haggle and get the best price. The cost for one trip is around twenty thousand rupiahs.
Photo: http://blinkyogya.blogspot.com/2010/05/lets-get-around-yogya.html
Photo: http://blinkyogya.blogspot.com/2010/05/lets-get-around-yogya.html
Becak: Jogja Cycle Rickshaw
For short journey inside the city, you can choose this traditional means of transportation. No machine, no AC, no window. Jogja people call it "becak". It is pulled by a person on foot. It carries the passenger in the front seat. It is easy to find along the main street of Jogja such as Malioboro street.
Be sure to haggle to get the best price. You can also ask the driver to wait while you are shopping and take you back home/hotel. The rate for a short journey within the city, particularly to/from Malioboro area, should not exceed Rp 20.000,-
Photo from: http://indodaddy.com/?p=832
Be sure to haggle to get the best price. You can also ask the driver to wait while you are shopping and take you back home/hotel. The rate for a short journey within the city, particularly to/from Malioboro area, should not exceed Rp 20.000,-
Photo from: http://indodaddy.com/?p=832
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Jogja Train Schedule
- If you want to go to other cities, or vice versa, you can take the train from/to Tugu Railway Station. Here is the schedule. You can contact the station administrator to get the updated one.
Trains | From | Destination | Time |
KA Argo Lawu | Solo | Jakarta | 08.49 |
KA Argo Lawu | Jakarta | Solo | 03.10 |
KA Argo Dwipangga | Solo | Jakarta | 20.49 |
KA Argo Dwipangga | Jakarta | Solo | 15.10 |
KA Taksaka Pagi | Yogyakarta | Jakarta | 10.00 |
KA Prameks XXVIII | Kutoarjo | Yogyakarta | 18.40 |
KA Taksaka Pagi | Jakarta | Yogyakarta | 16.21 |
KA Prameks XXVI | Kutoarjo | Yogyakarta | 09.59 |
KA Prameks XXVII | Kutoarjo | Yogyakarta | 15.55 |
KA Prameks I | Solo | Yogyakarta | 06.45 |
KA Taksaka Malam | Yogyakarta | Jakarta | 20.00 |
KA Prameks XXII | Yogyakarta | Kutoarjo | 06.50 |
KA Prameks XXIII | Yogyakarta | Kutoarjo | 13.47 |
KA Prameks XXIV | Yogyakarta | Kutoarjo | 15.50 |
KA Prameks XXV | Kutoarjo | Yogyakarta | 06.49 |
KA Taksaka Malam | Jakarta | Yogyakarta | 04.42 |
KA Prameks XXI | Yogyakarta | Kutoarjo | 04.45 |
KA Prameks II | Yogyakarta | Solo | 05.45 |
KA Fajar Utama Yogya | Yogyakarta | Jakarta | 08.00 |
KA Senja Utama Yogya | Yogyakarta | Jakarta | 18.15 |
KA Senja Utama Solo | Solo | Jakarta | 18.53 |
KA Jayabaya Selatan | Surabaya | Jakarta | 20.24 |
KA Bima | Surabaya | Jakarta | 22.04 |
KA Gajayana | Malang | Jakarta | 22.24 |
KA Argo Wilis | Surabaya | Bandung | 13.31 |
KA Lodaya Malam | Solo | Bandung | 21.23 |
KA Mutiara Selatan | Surabaya | Bandung | 21.35 |
KA Turangga | Surabaya | Bandung | 22.59 |
KA Sancaka Pagi | Yogyakarta | Surabaya | 07.30 |
KA Argo Wilis | Bandung | Surabaya | 13.55 |
KA Sancaka Sore | Yogyakarta | Surabaya | 16.00 |
KA Jayabaya Selatan | Jakarta | Surabaya | 23.16 |
KA Gajayana | Jakarta | Malang | 01.14 |
KA Mutiara Selatan | Bandung | Surabaya | 00.46 |
KA Bima | Jakarta | Surabaya | 00.59 |
KA Turangga | Bandung | Surabaya | 02.05 |
KA Senja Utama Solo | Jakarta | Solo | 04.12 |
KA Senja Utama Solo | Yogyakarta | Solo | 04.17 |
KA Lodaya | Bandung | Solo | 15.19 |
KA Lodaya | Yogyakarta | Solo | 15.24 |
KA Prameks III | Solo | Yogyakarta | 07.55 |
KA Prameks IV | Yogyakarta | Solo | 06.55 |
KA Prameks V | Solo | Yogyakarta | 09.45 |
KA Prameks VI | Yogyakarta | Solo | 08.30 |
KA Prameks VII | Solo | Yogyakarta | 11.00 |
KA Senja Utama Yogya | Jakarta | Yogyakarta | 04.46 |
KA Sancaka Pagi | Surabaya | Yogyakarta | 13.05 |
KA Fajar Utama Yogya | Jakarta | Yogyakarta | 14.00 |
KA Sancaka Sore | Surabaya | Yogyakarta | 21.11 |
KA Prameks VIII | Yogyakarta | Solo | 10.05 |
KA Prameks IX | Solo | Yogyakarta | 13.03 |
KA Prameks X | Yogyakarta | Solo | 11.15 |
KA Prameks XI | Solo | Yogyakarta | 13.45 |
KA Prameks XII | Yogyakarta | Solo | 13.15 |
KA Logawa | Jember | Purwokerto | 15.21 |
KA Progo | Yogyakarta | Jakarta | 17.00 |
KA Bengawan | Solo | Jakarta | 18.22 |
KA Gaya Baru Malam | Surabaya | Jakarta | 20.06 |
KA Pasundan | Surabaya | Bandung | 12.15 |
KA Kahuripan | Kediri | Bandung | 22.08 |
KA Kahuripan | Bandung | Kediri | 03.35 |
KA Sri Tanjung | Yogyakarta | Banyuwangi | 08.00 |
KA Logawa | Purwokerto | Jember | 09.22 |
KA Pasundan | Bandung | Surabaya | 14.24 |
KA Gaya Baru Malam | Jakarta | Surabaya | 21.44 |
KA Progo | Jakarta | Yogyakarta | 06.20 |
KA Bengawan | Jakarta | Solo | 05.30 |
KA Sri Tanjung | Banyuwangi | Yogyakarta | 19.57 |
KA Prameks XIII | Solo | Yogyakarta | 15.45 |
KA Prameks XIV | Yogyakarta | Solo | 14.30 |
KA Lodaya Pagi | Solo | Bandung | 09.23 |
KA Prameks XV | Solo | Yogyakarta | 17.15 |
KA Prameks XVI | Yogyakarta | Solo | 16.05 |
KA Prameks XVII | Solo | Yogyakarta | 18.41 |
KA Prameks XVIII | Yogyakarta | Solo | 17.30 |
KA Prameks XIX | Solo | Yogyakarta | 19.45 |
KA Prameks XX | Yogyakarta | Solo | 18.45 |
KA Joglosemar 5 | Semarang | Yogyakarta | 08.11 |
KA Joglosemar 6 | Semarang | Yogyakarta | 12.24 |
KA Joglosemar 7 | Semarang | Yogyakarta | 16.10 |
KA Joglosemar 8 | Semarang | Yogyakarta | 20.19 |
KA Joglosemar 1 | Yogyakarta | Semarang | 05.00 |
KA Joglosemar 2 | Yogyakarta | Semarang | 08.50 |
KA Joglosemar 3 | Yogyakarta | Semarang | 13.00 |
KA Joglosemar 4 | Yogyakarta | Semarang | 16.40 |
- Source: http://tourjogja.com/train.php
TransJogja Bus Route
Route 1A : Prambanan Station - Adisucipto Airport - Tugu Station- Malioboro - JEC
Prambanan Station - S5. Kalasan - Adisucipto Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - Janti (under fly-over) - S3. UIN Kalijaga - S4. Demangan - S4. Gramedia - S4. Tugu - Tugu Station - Malioboro - S4. Post Office Center - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Pasar Sentul - S4. SGM - Gembira Loka - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - JEC - S4. Blok O - Janti (through fly-over) - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Airport - S5. Kalasan - Prambanan Station.
Route 1B : Prambanan Station - Adisucipto Airport - JEC - Post Office Center - Pingit - UGM
Prambanan Station - S5. Kalasan - Adisucipto Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - Janti (under fly-over) - S4. Blok O - JEC - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka - S4. SGM - S4. Pasar Sentul - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Post Office Center - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital - S3. Pasar Kembang - S4. Badran - Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Pingit - S4. Tugu - S4. Gramedia - Bundaran UGM - S3. Colombo - S4. Demangan - S3. UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Janti - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Airport - S5. Kalasan - Prambanan Station.
Route 2A : Jombor Station - Malioboro - Basen - Kridosono - UGM - Condong Catur Station
Jombor Station - S4. Monjali - S4. Tugu - Stasiun Tugu - Malioboro - S4. Post Office Center - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Jokteng Wetan - S4. Tungkak - S4. Gambiran - S3 . Basen - S4. Rejowinangun - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka - S4. SGM - S3. Cendana - S4. Mandala Krida - S4. Gayam - Flyover Lempuyangan - Kridosono - S4. Duta Wacana - S4. Galeria - S4. Gramedia - Bunderan UGM - S3. Colombo - Condongcatur Station - S4. Kentungan - S4. Monjali - Jombor Station.
Route 2B : Jombor Station - Condongcatur Station - UGM - Kridosono - Basen - Post Office Center - Wirobrajan - Pingit
Jombor Station - S4. Monjali - S4. Kentungan - Condong Catur Station - S3. Colombo - Bundaran UGM - S4. Gramedia - Kridosono - S4. Duta Wacana - Fly-over Lempuyangan - S4. Gayam - S4. Mandala Krida - S3. Cendana - S4. SGM - Gembiraloka- S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - S4. Rejowinangun - S3. Basen - S4.Tungkak - S4. Joktengwetan - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Post Office Center - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital - S4. Ngabean - S4. Wirobrajan - S3. BPK - S4. Badran - Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Pingit - S4. Tugu - S4. Monjali - Jombor Station.
Route 3A : Giwangan Station - Kotagede - Adisucipto Airport - Ringroad Utara - MM UGM - Pingit - Malioboro - Jokteng Kulon
Giwangan Station - S4. Tegalgendu - S3. HS-Silver - Jl. Nyi Pembayun - S3. Pegadaian Kotagede - S3. Basen - S4. Rejowinangun - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - JEC - S4. Blok O - Janti (lewat atas) - S3. Janti - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - Ringroad Utara - Condongcatur Station - S4. Kentungan - S4. MM UGM - S4. MirotaKampus - S3. Gondolayu - S4. Tugu - S4. Pingit - Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Badran - S3. PasarKembang - TUGU Station - Malioboro - S4. Post Office Center - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital - S4. Ngabean - S4. Jokteng Kulon - S4. Plengkung Gading - S4. Jokteng Wetan - S4. Tungkak - S4.Wirosaban - S4. Tegalgendu - Giwangan Station.
Route 3B : Giwangan Station - Jokteng Kulon - Pingit - MM UGM - Ring Road Utara - Adisuciptp Airport - Kotagede
Giwangan Station - S4. Tegalgendu - S4. Wirosaban - S4. Tungkak - S4.Jokteng Wetan - S4. Plengkung Gading - S4. JoktengKulon - S4. Ngabean - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital - S3. Pasar Kembang - S4. Badran - Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Pingit - S4. Tugu - S3. Gondolayu - S4. Mirota Kampus - S4. MM UGM - S4. Kentungan - Condong Catur Station - Ringroad Utara - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - JANTI (under fly-over) - S4. Blok O - JEC - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - S4. Rejowinangun - S3. Basen - S3. Pegadaian Kotagede - Jl.Nyi Pembayun - S3. HS-Silver - S4. Tegalgendu - Giwangan Station.
Source: http://www.tourjogja.com/survival-4-trans-jogja-bus-route.html
Prambanan Station - S5. Kalasan - Adisucipto Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - Janti (under fly-over) - S3. UIN Kalijaga - S4. Demangan - S4. Gramedia - S4. Tugu - Tugu Station - Malioboro - S4. Post Office Center - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Pasar Sentul - S4. SGM - Gembira Loka - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - JEC - S4. Blok O - Janti (through fly-over) - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Airport - S5. Kalasan - Prambanan Station.
Route 1B : Prambanan Station - Adisucipto Airport - JEC - Post Office Center - Pingit - UGM
Prambanan Station - S5. Kalasan - Adisucipto Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - Janti (under fly-over) - S4. Blok O - JEC - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka - S4. SGM - S4. Pasar Sentul - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Post Office Center - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital - S3. Pasar Kembang - S4. Badran - Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Pingit - S4. Tugu - S4. Gramedia - Bundaran UGM - S3. Colombo - S4. Demangan - S3. UIN Sunan Kalijaga - Janti - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Airport - S5. Kalasan - Prambanan Station.
Route 2A : Jombor Station - Malioboro - Basen - Kridosono - UGM - Condong Catur Station
Jombor Station - S4. Monjali - S4. Tugu - Stasiun Tugu - Malioboro - S4. Post Office Center - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Jokteng Wetan - S4. Tungkak - S4. Gambiran - S3 . Basen - S4. Rejowinangun - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - Gembira Loka - S4. SGM - S3. Cendana - S4. Mandala Krida - S4. Gayam - Flyover Lempuyangan - Kridosono - S4. Duta Wacana - S4. Galeria - S4. Gramedia - Bunderan UGM - S3. Colombo - Condongcatur Station - S4. Kentungan - S4. Monjali - Jombor Station.
Route 2B : Jombor Station - Condongcatur Station - UGM - Kridosono - Basen - Post Office Center - Wirobrajan - Pingit
Jombor Station - S4. Monjali - S4. Kentungan - Condong Catur Station - S3. Colombo - Bundaran UGM - S4. Gramedia - Kridosono - S4. Duta Wacana - Fly-over Lempuyangan - S4. Gayam - S4. Mandala Krida - S3. Cendana - S4. SGM - Gembiraloka- S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - S4. Rejowinangun - S3. Basen - S4.Tungkak - S4. Joktengwetan - S4. Gondomanan - S4. Post Office Center - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital - S4. Ngabean - S4. Wirobrajan - S3. BPK - S4. Badran - Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Pingit - S4. Tugu - S4. Monjali - Jombor Station.
Route 3A : Giwangan Station - Kotagede - Adisucipto Airport - Ringroad Utara - MM UGM - Pingit - Malioboro - Jokteng Kulon
Giwangan Station - S4. Tegalgendu - S3. HS-Silver - Jl. Nyi Pembayun - S3. Pegadaian Kotagede - S3. Basen - S4. Rejowinangun - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - JEC - S4. Blok O - Janti (lewat atas) - S3. Janti - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - Ringroad Utara - Condongcatur Station - S4. Kentungan - S4. MM UGM - S4. MirotaKampus - S3. Gondolayu - S4. Tugu - S4. Pingit - Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Badran - S3. PasarKembang - TUGU Station - Malioboro - S4. Post Office Center - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital - S4. Ngabean - S4. Jokteng Kulon - S4. Plengkung Gading - S4. Jokteng Wetan - S4. Tungkak - S4.Wirosaban - S4. Tegalgendu - Giwangan Station.
Route 3B : Giwangan Station - Jokteng Kulon - Pingit - MM UGM - Ring Road Utara - Adisuciptp Airport - Kotagede
Giwangan Station - S4. Tegalgendu - S4. Wirosaban - S4. Tungkak - S4.Jokteng Wetan - S4. Plengkung Gading - S4. JoktengKulon - S4. Ngabean - S3. PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital - S3. Pasar Kembang - S4. Badran - Bundaran SAMSAT - S4. Pingit - S4. Tugu - S3. Gondolayu - S4. Mirota Kampus - S4. MM UGM - S4. Kentungan - Condong Catur Station - Ringroad Utara - S3. Maguwoharjo - Adisucipto Airport - S3. Maguwoharjo - JANTI (under fly-over) - S4. Blok O - JEC - S4. Babadan Gedongkuning - S4. Rejowinangun - S3. Basen - S3. Pegadaian Kotagede - Jl.Nyi Pembayun - S3. HS-Silver - S4. Tegalgendu - Giwangan Station.
Source: http://www.tourjogja.com/survival-4-trans-jogja-bus-route.html
Around Jogja by Bus
Being in a tourism city, you won't find it difficult to get around Jogja. There are many kinds of transportation available to take you to your destination.
One of the options is travelling by bus. If you don't mind using public transportation, this option may suit you. Recently, Jogja provides an exclusive bus service namely TransJogja. The bus has its own shelter and routes within the city. It operates from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. You just have to find the shelter and pay Rp. 3000,- for a single trip regardless the distance. You can also find the map on the wall of every shelter or just ask the attendants. Travelling by this bus is comfortable because it is air-conditioned and relatively safe.
Another type of bus is the regular city bus which is non-AC and cheaper. You just have to pay the flat rate: Rp. 2500,- to the helper inside the bus. It operates from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. and does not have particular shelter. The number (usually attached in the front or rear window of the bus) indicates the route of the bus. Generally, passengers can get on and off everywhere. When you want to get down, tell the helper of the bus and he will shout to the driver indicating the next stop. But be careful during your journey in this kind of bus. Watch, or better never bring, your valuable belongings because pickpockets are everywhere.
So, enjoy your travelling on the bus :)
Photo from:
One of the options is travelling by bus. If you don't mind using public transportation, this option may suit you. Recently, Jogja provides an exclusive bus service namely TransJogja. The bus has its own shelter and routes within the city. It operates from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. You just have to find the shelter and pay Rp. 3000,- for a single trip regardless the distance. You can also find the map on the wall of every shelter or just ask the attendants. Travelling by this bus is comfortable because it is air-conditioned and relatively safe.
Another type of bus is the regular city bus which is non-AC and cheaper. You just have to pay the flat rate: Rp. 2500,- to the helper inside the bus. It operates from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. and does not have particular shelter. The number (usually attached in the front or rear window of the bus) indicates the route of the bus. Generally, passengers can get on and off everywhere. When you want to get down, tell the helper of the bus and he will shout to the driver indicating the next stop. But be careful during your journey in this kind of bus. Watch, or better never bring, your valuable belongings because pickpockets are everywhere.
So, enjoy your travelling on the bus :)
Photo from:
Monday, April 4, 2011
Meet Jogja, the Never Ending Asia
As a major tourist destination, Jogja offers beautiful and unique places to visit. Jogja, which official name is Yogyakarta Special Region, is located in Java Island. As a special province, Jogja is located at the south of Central Java province and thus surrounded by some cities of Central Java Province.
How to get to Jogja?
The first alternative is by plane. Jogja has Adisucipto International Airport located about 9 km from the town. This airport offers domestic flight to big cities in Indonesia as well as international flight to Singapore or Malaysia. You can also find a train station within which connect this airport with the main train station in Jogja: Tugu Central Railway Station for executive and business class trains and Lempuyangan Railway Station for mostly economy class trains. Yes, train is the second alternative of transportation. Take the executive or business class if big city is your destination. For travelling to small cities, you can take economy class instead. Another means of entering Jogja is by bus. Giwangan central bus station connects big cities in Java or other islands. For local ride, you can find TransJogja bus shelter within Adisucipto airport to other shelters around the town.
For another means of transportation during your journey in the town, wait for the next article. See ya and have nice journey :)
Photo from: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandar_Udara_Adi_Sutjipto
Photo from: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bandar_Udara_Adi_Sutjipto
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